My up-to-date neighbor smells like marijuana all of the time and I don’t appreciate it

I was good buddies with the lady who lived in the place underneath mine.

My associate and I both have a balcony plus my associate and I used to talk to each other about the plants plus our animals. Sometimes I would go to her property plus the two of us would play cards. My associate and I had a pretty good amount of fun talking about the fantastic seasoned times. My associate and I discussed all of the locales in town that used to be something different. She had so much wealth plus comprehension about our city. I thought I knew basically everything about the locale, however this lady is a historical encyclopedia. She worked in the government office for more than thirty years before retiring to live at the plaza. The lady had to go to the hospital a couple of months back plus then she went to reside with her sibling. The family came to scrub out the property plus a week later someone else moved into the locale. I was hoping to have another nice neighbor like the older lady that lived in the property previously. Unfortunately, my up-to-date neighbor is a 20-year-old youngster who works for a marijuana delivery service. The neighbor constantly smells like marijuana plus he smokes weed out on the balcony. The smell of marijuana comes from the balcony plus rises up to my apartment. I feel as though the smell of marijuana is killing all of my plants. They used to be lush and green plus now they are drooping plus brown. My wifey said it is the up-to-date food, but I am convinced that the neighbor smoking marijuana outside is causing my flowers to die.

Cannabis delivery service