When I was 17 years old, my good buddy plus I were hanging out at my property.
My associate and I were at the pool plus it was the middle of the hot season months.
It was particularly tepid outside plus my sibling plus I were entertaining some good buddies. My parents were both working plus they trusted us to make fantastic decisions while they were away. My sibling plus I never particularly got into any serious trouble, which is why my parents did not mind if my associate and I had a bunch of good buddies over for swimming. One of my good buddies brought an up-to-date friend plus that guy had marijuana. He asked if he could smoke marijuana outside plus I did not want to look like a jerk so I didn’t say no. I asked the guy if he would smoke outside in the yard instead of close to the property, however when I went into the house to grab a couple of beers, the guy came over to the porch area to grab a lighter. The marijuana joint was still lit plus an ember from the joint fell on the patio seat cushion plus burned a hole in it. The ember from the marijuana joint made its way through the plastic plus the foam padding particularly suddenly. I had to pour a drink on the cushion to put out the fire. My parents were seriously aggravated when they saw the seat and the cushion. My sibling plus I acted like my associate and I did not know what they were talking about plus neither one of us ever told them what happened that afternoon plus how the cushion ended up with a hole.