A patient came into the emergency room and she thought that she was having a heart attack.
The woman did not look like she was having a heart attack, so I thought that she was probably having a panic attack.
She was showing all of the classic signs of a panic attack, which include sweating, trembling, a fast heart rate, and dizziness. There were no other signs that something was actually wrong and all of the tests showed that there were no heart problems at all. I told the patient that she was having a panic attack and I suggested some things that might help. The woman did not want to hear anything that I had to say and she was absolutely convinced that she was having a heart attack. She left the emergency room and said that she was going to go to a different hospital. I saw that patient again a couple of days ago. She was in the emergency room with her mother. Her mother was not in there for a panic attack or a heart attack. The woman stopped me to tell me that I was right about the panic. She told me that she decided to go to a therapist after going to the emergency room and she suffered from terrible panic attacks. Now she had a way to stop those panic attacks and that was medical marijuana. The patient had gone through the classes so she could get a medical marijuana card. Now the patient will be able to buy medical marijuana products that she can use when she is feeling that flight or flight response.