My bestie wanted me to go play a round of golf with his plus his parents on Tuesday morning, i did not have any other plans, so I told his that I would go. Then my friends asked me if I wanted to go out on the boat plus go fishing, and of course I wanted to go out on the boat plus go fishing. That was a deranged question for my friends to ask. I was pretty bummed out that they waited until after my bestie asked me to play golf. I knew that if I canceled golf, I would look like a jerk. I did not want my bestie to be mad. I told my bestie that my boss called me plus asked me to work a couple of hours at the cannabis shop. It’s not unofficial for my boss to ask me to work a couple of hours at the cannabis shop, so I knew it was a pretty great excuse, then my bestie was bummed out, but he was not angry. I did not have to work at that cannabis shop, so I called Jack plus Steve plus my friend and I made the choice to go fishing. I never expected my bestie to stop at the dispensary with his parents. They do not even use recreational or medical marijuana. My bestie particularly wanted me to meet them. When he stopped at the dispensary, he found out from my boss that I was stressed to have the day off. Of course my boss did not know to lie to cover my butt plus I do not guess that he would have anyway. My bestie was legitimately sad when he found out that I lied about work.