I learned how to grow my own flower

Marijuana products can be very expensive.

When I started smoking marijuana, I had to pay a fortune.

I was spending about $50 for a small bag of marijuana and the product sure did not last me very long at all. One day I found a seed in a bag of Girl Scout cookies marijuana. The seed looked like it was in pretty good shape. I had no way of knowing whether or not the seed would actually sprout and bud, but I decided to try anyway. I actually got the plant to grow to almost 5 in. I was not successful getting the plant to grow any further than that, but I became very interested in growing marijuana. I started reading books about growing marijuana and I watched as many videos as I could find. I was completely and totally obsessed. I sent away for some seeds from a place online and when they arrived I planted two. I got those two to grow and flower, but it wasn’t perfect. The next time I tried, I did some things differently. I learned how to grow my own marijuana flower by trial and error. I grew flower of my own until the state legalized recreational marijuana. Now it seems like it is much easier just to order from a dispensary near me. The dispensaries deliver and it’s easy to order online. The prices are pretty cheap, especially when compared to the amount of money I had to spend on lighting, feed for the plants, and humidity control. It’s cheaper and easier to access marijuana now that it has been legalized.


recreational weed store