Author: Ellis

I found a CBD product I liked, but it was discontinued.

When I first started going to a marijuana dispensary, I found a CBD product that I genuinely liked. The product was a harlequin 12:1 CBD/THC hybrid, and the CBD product worked well when it came to relieving the arthritis that I suffered in my knees. In addition, it helped to reduce migraines. I was purchasing […]

I found a CBD product I liked, and then they canceled it.

When I first started going to a marijuana dispensary, I found a CBD product that I absolutely adored. This product was a harlequin 12:1 CBD/THC hybrid, and the CBD product helped with migraines and eased the arthritis pain that I constantly experienced in my lower neck. As time went on, I was purchasing the harlequin […]

I bought it because I liked the name.

Last week I came home with a marijuana flower for my husband. He had asked me to go into a marijuana dispensary for him and pick up some marijuana products. I had my medical marijuana caretaker’s ID card. Since I was already going shopping, and the marijuana dispensary was less than 1/4 mile away from […]

I bought the product because I liked the name.

Last month I came home with a marijuana flower for my wife, as she had asked that I go into a marijuana dispensary for her to select some marijuana products. I had our medical marijuana caretaker’s ID card. Since I was already going shopping, as well as the marijuana dispensary was less than 1/4 mile […]

I purchased the wrong type of product

He thanked me for making the purchase, and asked me where the rest of his marijuana products were? In my haste to spontaneously grab the gorilla glue products, I had left one of my bags behind on the counter My husband has his medical marijuana card, and I have a card as his caregiver. When […]

My husband bought it because the name was intriguing.

Last week my husband came home with marijuana flower for me! I had asked him to go into a marijuana dispensary for him and pick up some marijuana products. He had his medical marijuana caretaker’s ID card, and since he was already going shopping, and the marijuana dispensary was less than 1/4 mile away from […]

Don’t buy products based on their name.

A few nights ago, I made a really silly mistake. I had run to the marijuana dispensary to pick up some products for my mom. My mom has a medical marijuana card and I have a card as her caretaker. I was heading over to her house for dinner, and she asked if I could […]

I lost a bet, but found a new weed store

The only reason I went and tried acupuncture is because I lost a bet. We were playing draw poker later one night, and I had long since run out of money. I had a hot hand, and I knew I could take the pot, but I couldn’t afford to call. My pal knew how terrified […]