Author: Ellis

This ain’t your roommate’s nasty pot brownie

There is a up-to-date light in my world these days and it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. The last few years have been pretty annoyed for myself and others on a number of levels. So when I found out that the local cannabis spot was expanding around the corner with a cannabis […]

Can’t suppose that they supply cannabis to our home

When I was a child in college, I loved to spend the weekend with buddies plus recreational marijuana. The group I hung around with were all hard core academic achievers. There was no going out during the week love so several of our classmates. Nope, it was all learn groups plus added reading back at […]

Can’t suppose that they give cannabis to our home

When I was a child in college, I enjoyed to spend the weekend with buddies and recreational marijuana. The group I hung around with were all tough core academic achievers. There was no going out during the week like so multiple of our classmates. Nope, it was all learn groups and added reading back at […]

The fresh smell of cannabis

First time I went to the cannabis store, it looked like nothing more than a local sales room entrance. The only change between the cannabis dispensary in 1 of the small sales rooms was that the sales room didn’t have a speaker with a security camera attached, you had to show ID to prove you […]