Author: Ellis

My new girlfriend also likes Sativa products

After 10 years of being single, I finally started dating again earlier this year. I was keeping my expectations low because I have been burned in the past. Fortunately, the first girl I started talking to ended up being perfect for my personality type. We hit it off and have a lot in common, more […]

I often work as a farming consultant for grow operations

There are thousands of business consultant jobs available, but I have one that is particularly interesting and exciting. I consult for large farming and grow operations that handle medical and recreational marijuana. Since ten years ago, medical and recreational marijuana have been legalized in this area. Since the legalization of recreational marijuana, more and more […]

I wasn't sleeping because the strain was sativa

I was extremely happy when marijuana was finally legalized, and even happier to purchase marijuana from a dispensary. I didn’t get my medical marijuana card until six months ago. The state where I live took forever to legalize medical marijuana. After the legalization, it took many months before there was a dispensary close to my […]

The concentrates were so incredibly cheap

My friends and I went out of town for a weekend hiking trip. We were pretty far away from the city in a small area with very few people. I was surprised to find a marijuana dispensary in the small town. I was even more surprised by the incredibly cheap prices. Most of the Cannabis […]

Indica strains help me sleep better and longer

I have had a problem with insomnia since I was a teenager. I always have trouble sleeping well. Sometimes I fell asleep for a couple of hours and then I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Unfortunately, it was the middle of the night and I had to lay there awake […]