Author: Ellis

Trying to grow my own marijuana is hard

To be clear, I did not buy this land so that I could grow pot. I wanted this land for a lot of different reasons, but now that I own it, I will certainly start trying to grow some plants. Why shouldn’t I? I have three hundred empty acres out here, just fields and forests, […]

Everyone In the theater could smell the weed

I’m sure they will have a lot to say about my mom freaking out in the movie theater and blaming everyone for smoking weed My mom took my sister and I to the movies last weekend and she embarrassed us in front of all of our friends. There were several people in the theater, so […]

I found a reason to stay home that weekend

My friends and I had the perfect weekend planned. Jake’s older brother was in town and he was going to buy recreational marijuana for us. We aren’t 21 yet, so we can’t legally buy recreational weed. Jonah can and he offered to get us some pre rolled marijuana joints on Friday night. Of course, we […]

I hate when things go wrong

I have zero patience. I know it is an extreme fault, but I get aggravated and annoyed so easily. I try not to take it out on the kids, but at work everything makes me feel stressed out. I started working at a new cannabis shop last year. I like the job alot and the […]

The difference between indica and sativa is prominent

I used to buy all of my cannabis supplies from a street dealer. It was the only way to obtain cannabis and I was using it everyday for medical reasons. Even though several states that bordered my own had legal medical and recreational Cannabis, the region where I was living was still intolerant to cannabis […]

Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier

It doesn’t have any odor or smell and the terpenes can be added back to the product after the process After my girlfriend moved to a recreational marijuana state, we went to a dispensary and tried a product called RSO. The budtender told us about the product and recommended it when we asked for something […]

I wanted to get my stuff and get out of there

Last Friday night, my friends and I went to a concert in the park. Every Friday night during the summer months, the beach pavilion has free outdoor concerts for everyone. You can bring lounge chairs or blankets and sit in the park to listen to the free music. My friends and I were particularly excited […]

The driver was an old high school buddy of mine

My girlfriend and I visited a state where marijuana is legal for recreational and medical use. While we were in town, we decided to order some items from a dispensary. It seemed like a fun thing to do in a town with a dozen different cannabis shops, lounges, and even restaurants. My girlfriend and I […]